Jerry Recieves Lifetime Achievement Award

11156116_10152627233382563_3468904975981934565_nJust weeks before the release of his solo debut album Just a Mortal Man, Jerry was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Contemporary A cappella Society during the Boston Sings! Festival (BOSS), April 11th 2015. The annual awards show is called the Contemporary  A cappella Recording Awards (CARAs), and the Lifetime Achievement CARA goes to artists “whose work over the course of a career has been singularly important and influential.”

Jerry’s story is truly miraculous — he was at death’s door just last August having suffered from a torn esophagus. Now he is fully recovered and ready to take his soulful voice, often compared to that of Sam Cooke, on tour.

Read the rest of the press release here:

Posted in Reviews.